YouTube Videos
Videos from the BMC community
On the Male Side of Middle
A story of love, honesty and integrity, this film about female-to-male transgender Mennonite Calvin Neufeld, captures a special moment in time between him and his family. Filmed a year after he began transitioning and a year after marrying his partner Sharon, this story shows how strong a family can be when they love, care and listen to each other. Produced by Paul Neudorf. Also available on DVD. Contact BMC at bmc@bmclgbt.org to order.
Movie and Documentary Suggestions
These movies and documentaries can be used during BMC workshops and other events or this list can act as suggestions for creating further conversations in your community.
Bullied: A Student, a School and a Case that Made History
2010 Southern Poverty Law Center
intended audience: teens, parents, anyone working in the school system or with teens
The Southern Poverty Law Center has released this inspiring story of a young gay man who took a stand against the bullying he experienced in school. The film is designed to help school administrators, teachers and counselors create a safer school environment for all students. It is also intended to help all students understand the terrible toll bullying can take on its victims, and to encourage students to stand up for their classmates who are being harassed. Bullied has been endorsed by the National Education Association. The 40 minute DVD comes with a two-part viewer’s guide - additional materials are also available online (www.tolerance.org/bullied).
Finding herself on the fringes of church, Carrie Fry-Miller was once a minister in the Church of the Brethren. She became licensed at a young age, just after her 18th birthday. But when she came out as a lesbian five years later, her license was revoked. It has been a painful process for her and since then she has distanced herself from the church, to figure out where, how and if she still has a place within.
Produced by Paul Neudorf. Also available on DVD. Contact BMC at bmc@bmclgbt.org to order.
Ally Arts Piece
Needing some inspiring solidarity today? Beacon Heights Church of the Brethren's ally video project is here. Thanks for your beautiful witness, Beacon Heights!
One Congregation's Story
Pastor Karl Shelly speaks about Assembly Mennonite Church's journey to becoming a member of the Supportive Communities Network (SCN)(http://www.bmclgbt.org/scn). This is a resource for congregations exploring joining SCN. Made in collaboration with Jacob Landis-Eigsti (http://www.reimaginecinema.com/), a Goshen College graduate and owner of Reimagine Cinema.