Holmes County, Ohio
A local gathering of lgbtqia+ Mennonites and friends is meeting monthly in Holmes County, Ohio for support and fellowship. The group typically meets on a Sunday evening and shares a meal together. For more information, contact bmc@bmclgbt.org.

Southwest Ohio / Virtual
Living Sanctuary is an online lgbtq+ support group connected with West Charleston Church of the Brethren near Tipp City, Ohio. This group was originally designed for parents and families of lgbtq+ children but has evolved into a small group of both parents and persons who identify as queer. They currently meet for connection and support once a month on Zoom but are open to expanding in size and modality. To more information, contact Pastor Irv Heishman at irheishman@gmail.com or bmc@bmclgbt.org.

Elizabethtown, Pennsylvania
TransParent Support Group, at the Elizabethtown Church of the Brethren in south central Pennsylvania, is an outreach of support for parents and other adult allies of transgender individuals. The purpose of the group is to allow a safe, confidential, and accepting space for discussion for those who are walking alongside those who are transitioning or questioning their gender identity. Topics of discussion have included informational resources, ways to communicate gender changes to extended family members, methods for discerning appropriate medical interventions, benefits of professional therapy, and steps for legal name changes. One of the main benefits of attending the group is knowing that one is not alone in this type of journey.
Monthly meetings began in October of 2022, co-facilitated by two community mothers of transgender people. Meetings are currently in-person only, but anyone local who could benefit from the support is welcome. Contact TransParentSupport@etowncob.org and mention you found the group through BMC.

Inclusive Mennonite Pastors - virtual
This is an advocacy group and online peer-to-peer support space. Contact: IMP website for more information.