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General Resources
A Brief Encyclopedia of Gender & Sexuality Terms in English cover

This encyclopedia includes  the histories and definitions of over 150 terms, symbols and phrases. This is available free of charge, but please consider making a suggested donation of $25 to support BMC.

Part 1

Part 2


Trans 101: A brief guide cover

This guide includes basic terms and definitions, answers to common questions, Mennonite and Brethren narratives and more. 

To purchase a print version of this resource, contact the BMC office.

Trans Myth Busters endeavors to address and dismantle the common myths associated with the trans community. This document was created to provide some clarity and insight into the multifaceted nature of transgender and non-binary identities, combating these myths with truth.

View full document here

Personal Resources
Always My Child: A Parent's Guide to Understanding your LGBT or Questioning Son or Daughter

Kevin Jennings (NY: Simon & Schuster, 2003)

This is a wonderful resource for any parent who learns or suspects that their child is lgbt. Really, it's a wonderful source for anyone. Find a short description and link to purchase here

Coming Out Young and Faithful

Leanne McCall Tigert & Timothy Brown (Cleveland: The Pilgrim Press, 2001)

Sometimes it's just good to hear it from the source. This book offers stories of mostly UCC youth who discover that they are lgbt. This is an important population to remember, especially since youth are coming out earlier and earlier in life. For links to purchase, click here.

How Homophobia Hurts Children

Jean M. Baker (NY: Harrington Park Press, 2002)

Baker is a clinical psychologist and offers a sensitive exploration of the challenges that lgbt children face in school and ways to make our schools safer and more responsive to their needs. Click here for more information.

The Cost of Truth: Faith Stories of Mennonite and Brethren Leaders and Those Who Might Have Been

Roberta Showalter Kreider, editor (Kulpsville, PA: Strategic Press, 2004)

Personal stories written by Mennonites and Brethren. For more information, click here.

Articles About Minority Stress

The Minority Stress Perspective by Michael P. Dentato from the April 2012 Psychology and AIDS Exchange Newsletter published by the American Psychological Assocation

Prejudice, Social Stress and Mental Health in Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual Populations: Conceptual Issues and Research Evidence by Ilan H. Meyer, Psychol Bull, 2003 September 

Gender minority stress, mental health, and relationship quality: A dyadic investigation of transgender women and their cisgender male partners by Kristi E. Gamarel, et al. J Fam Psychol, 2014 August


Intersectionality 101

Olena Hankivsky, PhD

The aim of this primer is to provide a clear-language guide to intersectionality; we explore its key elements and characteristics, how it is distinct from other approaches to equity, and how it can be applied in research, policy, practice and teaching. Download the PDF here.

for more resources

Transgender Resources
The Transgender Child: A Handbook for Families and Professionals

Stephanie Brill and Rachel Pepper, Cleis Press, 2008

A guidebook that includes  development, legal, medical and school issues. For more information, click here.

transACTION: A Transgender Curriculum for Churches and Religious Institutions

Institute for Welcoming Resources  

A new curriculum designed for churches and religious institutions to help congregants and members understand and welcome transgender persons into their congregations and faith settings. Download the PDF here.

Transgender Journeys

Virginia Ramey Mollenkott and Vanessa Sheridan (Cleveland: Pilgrim Press, 2003)

Mollenkott and Sheridan offer their life experiences as an opportunity to reflect theologically, biblically and ethically about what it means to be both Christian and gender-variant. For more information, click here.

Trans-Gendered: Theology, Ministry and Communities of Faith

Justin Edwards Tanis (Cleveland: Pilgrim Press, 2003)

Tanis is a transgender clergyperson who gives voice to the struggles, challenges and gifts of his community. Click here for more information.

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