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Resources for Congregations
Along the Arc: Worship and Ritual for 
Welcoming Congregations

Written by lgbtq and allied Mennonites and Brethren, 2017

Along the Arc is a worship resource for welcoming congregations. It includes litanies, prayers, readings, etc. written by lgbtq and allied Mennonite and Brethren people for anabaptist lgbtq-affirming communities.  

Congregational Conversations

Forbearance A Vision for Divisive Times

Forbearance: A Vision for Divisive Times, written by Enten Eller, pastor at Ambler Church of the Brethren and Living Stream Church of the Brethren, about the origins and value of forbearance within the church. He centers the concept of forbearance in the Anabaptist value of “no force in religion” that characterized the believer’s church. If you would like a print version, contact BMC at

Forbearance: A Vision for Divisive Times

Stumbling Toward a Genuine Conversation on Homosexuality

Michael King, editor. (Telford, PA: Cascadia Publishing House, 2007)

A collection of essays from Mennonite writers with a broad array of experience, position and perspective.

Sex and the Single Savior: Gender and Sexuality in Biblical Interpretation

Dale Martin (Louisville: Westminster John Knox Press, 2006)

Martin takes on basic assumptions about the hermeneutical process, especially the "myth of textual agency" or the "sin of textual foundationalism" before turning his keen mind to specific biblical texts. His interpretations of Paul are particularly fascinating.

Biblical & Theological Resources

Silent and Undecided Friends: Motivating Greater LGBT Rights Advocacy Among Clergy and Congregations

Steve Clapp (Fort Wayne: LifeQuest Publication, 2008)

A report based on surveys of over 1,500 clergy from 32 different denominations exploring clergy attitudes towards lgbt people and issues that prevent clergy from offering leadership in moving congregations towards a welcoming position. 

Discovering Images of God: Narratives of Care Among Lesbians and Gays

Larry Kent Graham (Louisville: Westminster John Knox Press, 1997)

Graham is a professor of pastoral care at the Iliff School of Theology. In asking, "what counts for affective care for gay men and lesbian women?" Graham offers a framework of affirmation and solidarity.

Pastoral Care Resources

Process Resources

The Little Book of Conflict Transformation

Grounded in an Anabaptist religious-ethical framework, Lederach views conflict as an opportunity for life-giving, positive change. In this deceptively simple booklet, he explores how conflict transformation seeks to build right relationships while creating social structures that reduce violence and increase justice.

Brethren Mennonite Council for LGBT Interests

PO Box 15021 

Chicago, IL 60615

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