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COVID Comforts: Xaris Martínez

Over the next few weeks, we will be sharing what the BMC board and staff are reading, streaming, cooking and playing.


Real Life by Brandon Taylor: A black, queer, southern student navigates the perils of academic life in the Midwest.

Weather by Jenny Offill: Offill’s fragmentary writing style captures the anxiety of modern-day life while also keeping the focus on the world we want to create together for the next generation.


Fiona Apple’s Fetch the Bolt Cutters (album): Best album of 2020 (thus far). Period.

Sugar Calling (podcast): Cheryl Strayed (also known as advice columnist Sugar) calls writers who have inspired her and asks them to share what insight they can provide on our current circumstances.


Parasite (Hulu): This was the last film I watched in the movie theater prior to the coronavirus lockdown—and I’m still haunted by the characters and storyline, especially given the class dynamics at play during this pandemic. A must-watch!

Merlí (Netflix): This Catalán-language series centers on an unconventional philosophy professor who teaches his students what really matters in life.

No Offence (Acorn TV): A female-led police procedural that makes good use of dark and irreverent comedy.

Nightly Met Opera streams (free): The company’s Live in HD series (14 years of performances!) is available for free streaming on the Met website.

Globe Theater productions of Shakespeare's plays (free): Six of the Globe’s productions are being shown for free via their YouTube channel (one at a time, on rotation every 2 weeks). Their production of Hamlet was absolutely stunning - and Macbeth will start streaming on May 11.


Frittata: Once you learn the “frittata ratio,” this will become your favorite brunch meal that also helps you clean out your refrigerator and cut down on food waste.

No-Knead Bread: Mark Bittman’s classic New York Times recipe, for those of you who are trying to avoid becoming sourdough starter people.


Brethren Mennonite Council for LGBT Interests

PO Box 15021 

Chicago, IL 60615

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