queering worship
Within our growing community, we share queer-centred sermons and worship resources to celebrate queer spiritually and deepen relationships across communities.
more coming soon
If you have sermons and worship resources you would like highlighted on this page please email them to bmc@bmclgbt.org
More resources by bmc
Forebearance: A Vision for Divisive Times
Forbearance: A Vision for Divisive Times, written by Enten Eller, pastor at Ambler Church of the Brethren and Living Stream Church of the Brethren, about the origins and value of forbearance within the church. He centers the concept of forbearance in the Anabaptist value of “no force in religion” that characterized the believer’s church. If you would like a print version, contact BMC at bmc@bmclgbt.org
Fashioned in Love
In 2013, Central District Conference Ministerial Committee asked Megan Ramer to write a biblical and theological case for her inclusion of lgbt people within the life and ministry of the church. BMC is pleased to publish Megan’s statement for a wider readership. Its unwavering, full throated support of lgbtq inclusion is a refreshing offering of hope and vision.
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