The mission of BMC is to cultivate an inclusive church and society and to care for the Mennonite and Brethren lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and allied community.
For our community we will:
Visibly advocate for justice on behalf of all lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (lgbt) people.
Reach out to lgbt persons and allies who share a connection with Mennonite and Church of the Brethren heritages.
Provide opportunities for lgbt persons and allies to nurture relationships, celebrate community, and build networks of solidarity, empowerment, support and care.
Provide intentional support and advocacy for lgbt youth and young adults.
Connect people with lgbt-positive theological and spiritual resources.
Empower individuals and groups to advocate for justice and work for change.
Acknowledge the limitations of our worldviews and commit to broadening our understanding and appreciation of human diversity.
For the church we will:
Be a persistent voice for an open and inclusive church.
Call congregations to be actively open and inclusive communities.
Hold denominational leadership accountable to their denomination’s vision of social justice, expecting fair play, honesty, integrity, risk and courage.
Develop denominationally sensitive theological, biblical and spiritual resources.
Provide educational opportunities for our denominations and related educational institutions.
For society we will:
Participate in the broader social justice movement for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people by building alliances with other denominational and secular organizations who share similar concerns.
Responsibly advocate for religious practices and policies that support democratic visions and an inclusive society.
Intentionally connect our experiences of injustice with other forms of social discrimination and commit ourselves to resist oppression in all its forms.
New Mission and Vision Statement adopted by BMC Board October 2006.