It’s that time of year again! As the Church of the Brethren frets about its future, BMC will be there to offer a presence of persistence, graceful resistance, and hopeful imagination.
Here is a brief listing of BMC sponsored events, a full list may be found here:
Wednesday, July 4
SCN Gathering and Briefing (Room 263, 3:00–4:15 pm) – Kara Evans reports on Standing Committee meetings. In addition, there will be a review of Annual Conference business and SCN background papers.
Witness – We’ve Got a Fire (Meeting Hall Area at the Convention Center, 4:30-5:00 pm) – Kimberly Koczan, Sarah Kinsel and Joanna Willoughby will guide us in a service of song and ritual to prepare us for Conference.
Friday, July 6
BMC Worship (Room 262, 4:00-5:30) – The BMC worship service is a time of joy, community and connection. This year, Elizabeth Ullery Swenson will preach on the topic, Compelled, and Anna Lisa Gross lead worship. Bring a friend!
Saturday, July 7
Building Inclusive Congregations for Tomorrow Insight Session (Room 202, 8:30-9:30 pm) – Brian Flory and Carol Wise will lead a conversation about the power of the welcoming movement.
BMC Booth – Come visit us in the exhibit hall and check out our latest resources! Contact Carol at cwise@bmclgbt.org if you would like to sign up for a shift.
SCN/LGBTQ Chaplains – We provide special chaplaincy service for anyone who needs a supportive presence during Annual Conference. Chaplains on duty may be reached by calling Kim McDowell at 301-675-1541 or by going to the Annual Conference office. In addition, supportive pastors may be identified by their rainbow lanyards.
Annual Conference Background/White Papers
The Church of the Brethren SCN Steering Committee has prepared a series of background or white papers related to issues within the COB:
Brian Flory, pastor of the Beacon Heights COB, takes an honest look at the call for a compelling vision to unite the Church of the Brethren.
Carol Lundquist, an educational consultant, unpacks some of the challenges and practices within the denomination that may negatively impact the future of the church.
Carol Wise, Executive Director of BMC, reflects upon the implications of the desire by seven congregations in the Michigan District to form a new, more theologically “pure” district.