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BMC at Annual Conference 2017

June 28 – July 2, 2017

Claiming Our Space: SCN Briefing & Gathering

Wednesday, June 28 @ 1:00 - 4:00 pm

Location: Amway Grand Haldane

The return to Grand Rapids is very difficult for many of us. To help prepare ourselves, we will receive updates about SCN work, engage in some community care training with Zandra Wagoner, work with Carol Lundquist on a framework for understanding, receive the Standing Committee report from Kara Evans and Sara Davis, and discuss any action steps that we might take.

Heal Our Space Witness

Wednesday, June 28 @ 4:15 pm

Location: Amway Grand Atrium

Many of us were deeply shaken by the violence of the last Annual Conference in Grand Rapids. We are grateful to Kimberly Flory, Sarah Kinsel and Joanna Willoughby for their leadership in designing a ritual/witness to help heal the space and prepare us for our time at the convention center.

Living Into a Welcoming and Affirming Church

Thursday, June 29 @ 9:00 pm

Location: Amway Vandenberg B

In this OEP sponsored insight session, Brian Flory and Carol Wise will lead a conversation about the power of the welcoming movement for the church and congregational life.

BMC Worship: Pasta, Pirates and People Sheep

Friday, June 30, 4:00-5:30

Location: Amway Atrium

Each year, the BMC worship offers a space for the lgbtq and allied community to come together to celebrate, uplift and strengthen one another in the context of worship. We welcome Chris Zepp, Associate Pastor at Bridgewater COB, as our preacher. Chris lost his ordination in the Shenandoah District after officiating at a same sex wedding. He will share what this experience has meant to his faith and practice in his sermon, Of Pasta, Pirates and People Sheep.

BMC Booth

Location: Exhibit Hall

We’re back for another year! Here is a place to hang out with interesting people, learn more about BMC, and pick up some good resources for you or your congregation. Please contact Carol at if you would like to help staff the booth. See you there!

SCN/LGBTQ Chaplains

BMC and the Supportive Communities Network are providing chaplaincy service for anyone who needs a supportive presence during Annual Conference. Kim McDowell (University Park COB) is coordinating this effort. You may identify SCN pastors and lgbtq leaders by their rainbow lanyards. Chaplains on duty may be reached by calling Kim McDowell at 301-675-1541 or by going to the Annual Conference Office.


Brethren Mennonite Council for LGBT Interests

PO Box 15021 

Chicago, IL 60615

Contact BMC:


©2024 Brethren Mennonite Council 

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